Join us for an introduction to These Streets

Friday February 3, 7pm

These Streets: Musicians Gretta Harley and Sarah Rudinoff (We Are Golden) share their experiences behind their rock musical-in-progress; and offer their perspectives on cultivating a new idea, while living in Negative Capability(*).

Welcome to the women behind the Seattle rock community from those infamous years 1989-1994, as We Are Golden (Sarah Rudinoff and Gretta Harley) share music, stories and images while taking you into their process of creating the original rock play/musical, These Streets. They will also discuss making music now, youthful passions, unintended consequences, and what happens when a bright light shines on a dark city.


The late poet John Keats coined the phrase “Negative Capability” as the ability to be “in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.