Many Thanks to crocheters from August 2nd!

Man, lately the grant deadline schedule has run a steamroller through my available time and head space for blog writing and getting my thoughts down.  I know the Solstenen residency at The Project Room is supposed to be about how these large things get made, and the grants are just part of it, but they eat and eat at the precious set-aside-hours for making, and  I am chomping at the bit for that writing time, to translate my chicken scratch into something readable…The week has sped by.


It is time already for another crochet party, tomorrow, Tuesday August 2nd!  Last week’s was so lively, with neighbors connecting, and an impromptu pot-luck spread, and past and new crocheters.  Thank you, thank you to those folks who just keep coming, with fabric and yarn donations and an openess to just spending some time making.  I hope to see you again tomorrow!


Kim is a speed demon with the crochet hook…

Katherine has been knitting, because that’s what suits her, and she kindly brought some homemade bread.