Have you ever asked yourself how The Project Room can produce free public online and on-site programs of such high quality? Have you attended an event, read an essay online, or listened to a podcast and wondered how to show your support?
Now is your chance to be part of the answer.
On May 6 from midnight to midnight, you can make a one-time online donation as part of the 24-hour fundraising marathon known as GiveBIG!
Breaking News: If you donate $100 or more, you will receive an awesome party favor in the form of a custom TPR ring made by artist Seth Friedman (see below for image).
The Project Room is supported through individual donations from people who listen to our podcasts, read our online essays, or attend live events (special thanks to those who do all three!).
This is the one time of year when we ask you to click on this link and make a quick donation so we can bring new and exciting programs to you from all kinds of inspiring creative people.
Bookmark this link, mark your calendar, and help us thrive!
Some things to look forward to at TPR in 2014:
Podcast Interviews with innovative creative people, such as Authors Joe & David Henry, Musician Paul Rucker, Author Jesmyn Ward, Japanese Noh Actor Munenori Takeda, Author Rebecca Walker, Visual Artist Juan Pablo Macias, and more!
New Writing by an ongoing roster of thoughtful writers about creativity and culture, including our ongoing column of creative discoveries and musings by TPR Contributing Writer Corey Blaustein.
Live Events Featuring: Performance Artist Scotch Wideman, selfie blogger Alicia Eler, A conversation about the intersection of women, relationships, and the internet; a social activism workshop with visual artist Richard Kamler; a film conversation in conjunction with SIFF; a workshop about heroes for kids and their grownups; a "Failure Variety Show" with some very funny people; and much more to be announced!
Throughout GiveBIG day, donors will be chosen at random to win golden tickets, providing an additional $1,000 in the winner's name to the nonprofit that received their original donation. The winner will also receive a $100 Starbucks or Taco Time gift card! And, we'll also be giving away airline tickets to nonprofits throughout the day, courtesy of Alaska Airlines!
Please mark you calendar for May 6 and GiveBIG!
Throughout our communities, there are heroes: working to improve lives, to strengthen families, to better our world. GiveBIG 2014 honors the heroes in our community.
Seth Friedman's ring design for our $100+ level donors: made from recycled car tire parts and cast in fluorescent resin in one of the colors noted above!
Thanks to the GiveBIG Sponsors who make this possible!